Mcc Part1
(a little bit later) Walter: Here comes the ladder! Shaw left it outside in the rain, so I assume he
Andrew: Did you see this? He understands every word! Ysobel: I’m sure you’re genuinely p
Andrew: Oh, Walter, while you’re here, could you have a look at the roof? The thatching is com
Owen: He’s such a smart and kind young bairn! I want ours to be exactly like him. Annie: (look
Owen: Hey Matt! You haven’t met Annie yet! She’s the sweetest and fairest of lassies, an
Michael: Why did you do this!? We wanted to keep Annie Blair and have her marry McCarric’s tra
Ysobel: I’m so glad this is settled! We’ll keep the talk away from your estate, and in e
Mr Fraser: I’d like to offer one of my cottages, but they’re all taken. Of course we all
Mr Fraser: I hope your family is well? Your nephew is making progress? Ysobel: Everyone is very well
Fiona: Will there ever come a day – just one day – when we can simply enjoy being parent
Ysobel: Asleep himself. Jean is staying with him. Rosalie took the evening-post back to Edinburgh. W
Ysobel: Does anything ever go wrong with your boys at all!? Rosalie: I daresay. Jonathan only just r
Louise: Well, Chérie; I’m of course glad to see you. However, I think the greatest serv
Fiona: Matthew! This was very naughty! Apologize to your Aunt! … Fiona (to Rosalie) I&rsquo
Matt: (crying) Rosalie: You’ll see him next time, when you’re well enough to play again.
Rosalie: Aww, how is he? (to Fiona) I left Jonathan at home this time. He’s perfectly fine wit
Louise: Rosalíe! Has anything happened? Rosalie: Not to me! Ysobel wrote you’re ill &nd
Ysobel: Give our greetings to Uncle William and his wife, and tell them they must come and visit us
Ysobel to Marianne: … Matthew caught a cold again! At least we call it a cold, because th
Marianne to Ysobel: … My dear little Roseanne is growing prettier every day. Charles is going
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