superchub art
Allegory of disease wearing a halo (c. 1175).
What a tall drink of puzzle initial P! Digging that English teal.Manuscript description and digital
Puzzle initial H from fol. 60v of Ms. Codex 1053, a 13C Vulgate Bible. Fun info from our collections
Canine conversations, fol. 16r, Ms. Codex 1057 (Ferial psalter).Manuscript description and digital i
Reach, reach, just a bit further! A bit of drollery combined with a more serious inhabited initial c
So long as you’re a hybrid monstrosity who is a third man, a third dragon, and a third climbing vine
Omnomnom, a yummy inhabited initial from Ms. Codex 1057, a Ferial psalter, containing the psalm
Inhabited initial, fol. 241r, Ms. Codex 1077. In my head I’ve named this one Pagliacci.Manuscr
Presented without comment, a doodle from fol. 16r of Ms. Codex 1243 that probably shows what you thi
The entombment of Christ, worn away with frequent touching. This is still one of my favorite books o
The Prick of Conscience was an enormously popular 14C poem about penitence, and Ms. Codex 196 is one
All right, I heart money too, but I don’t go around drawing all over my codices to express my
In case you do not know what a widow looks like, fol. 120v of Ms. Codex 198 has you covered. This se
If your knowledge of the Bible is mostly from Protestant sources, one thing you are missing out on i
Judith beheading Holofernes on fol. 182r of Ms. Codex 236, an illuminated Vulgate Bible. What an ins
On fol. 287r of Ms. Codex 236, actual Disney princess Daniel huddles in a lions’ den and makes some
Ezekiel, dreaming of something that is almost but not quite like the Living Creatures of Ezekiel 1,
Noah’s Wife is famous in medieval Christian lore for being so stubborn that she refuses to get in th
Other initials in Ms. Codex 614 are decorative albeit largely predictable– but the scribe
Even in the midst of setting down a series of treatises on science, alchemy, and medicine, the scrib
Among the sermons and commentaries of Ms. Codex 716, Mary and the baby Jesus on fol. 1r are having a
Some emotive faces from Ms. Codex 723 (fols. 56v and 84v the text contained therein is the Panormia,
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