Natural Science
bi-color eyes
sexy quote
Australia’s Bushfire AftermathAustralia’s east-coastbushfires of 2019-2020 have been extinguished fo
This weekend is the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators Annual Conference. Scrolling back, I reali
A swirling storm somersaults through Jupiter’s South Equatorial Belt in this new natural color view.
Natural History Museum of Utah
nemfrog:Tree of life. The outline of science. v.2. 1922.Internet Archive
lindahall:William Derham – Scientist of the DayWilliam Derham, an English naturalist and clergyman,
Four of our scientists in the spotlight for Women In Science Day. They represent all the women that
Vintage science face masks, featuring centuries-old astronomical art and natural history illustratio
desimonewayland:Various types of porphyry from the collection of The Natural History Museum, London.
oupacademic:According to Dr. Donald Pfaff, author of The Altruistic Brain: How We Are Naturally Good
At 0.4km2 (40 ha) and up to 75m deep Pitch Lake is the largest natural surface deposit of asphalt in
Marbled Salamander (Ambystoma Opacum) Life Cycle
Male and Female American Goldfinch & Cassin’s Finch Watercolor, Gouache, Ink
Male Hairy Woodpecker Watercolor, Gouache, Ink
Mushroom from my Pen and Ink II class.
First stage of bird illustration.
Xanthocarpia crenulatellaInevitably when I post a lichen like this, I will read comments/note where
Sphaerophorus venerabilisOldgrowth coral lichen, ancient coral lichenimages: source | source | sourc
Metus conglomeratusThis odd member of the cladoniaceae family is native to the southern hemisphere a
Gyalolechia subbracteataLooking for lichens is kinda like looking for Easter eggs. Since I am an adu
Vulpicida juniperina (syn. Vulpicida tilisii)Limestone sunshine lichen, yellow lichen, goldtwist lic
Nyungwea anguinellaLook, I can’t tell you exactly why every picture of N. anguinella looks, uh, comp
Hypogymnia bitteriPowdered tube lichen, bitter tube lichenI’m not going to pretend I don’t occasiona
Peccania subnigraThis lil bitty pal is referred to as a dwarf fruticose lichen, but it is so small t
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