Protection Magick
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Crystals To ward Negativity
Crystal Protection Magick
Protection Magick
Magickal Herbs
Inktober (Anitober) October 20 : Breakable
Anyone want to know how to do this offering/protection/diy sea at home bottle?-Alex xx
LEAD Energy: ReceptivePlanet: SaturnElement: EarthAssociated Herbs: Rose, Nettle, Rue, CuminPowers:
Known as the “bodyguard stone,” black tourmaline provides protection, eliminates negativ
Crystal Herbalism - ‘Tis The Season Of The Witch October, the month of the blood moon and
I was happy to be able to meet up with my friend from the Lake George area of Colorado. He has a cla
Light the fires/ sing the songs/ Let what is wylde/ Be safe from harm
beneath-the-moon-and-sun: magickal properties of moss: luck, money, protection & safety 
LEAD Energy: ReceptivePlanet: SaturnElement: EarthAssociated Herbs: Rose, Nettle, Rue, CuminPowers:
mariathearcane: Simple Everyday Things You Can Do For ProtectionSource | www.instagram
IRON Energy: ProjectivePlanet: MarsElement: FireDeity: SeleneAssociated Stones: Quartz Crystal, Hole
Who needed to hear this today? This is your gentle reminder to protect your energy and consider befo
How to make and use Four thieves vinegar Lavender for healing, banishing, protection and cleansing.
Magickal Herbs
Crystals To ward Negativity
lapiscat: Circle casting 101 (Artist: kada-bura !) A magickal circle is an energetic construct that
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