leaves girl
growing quotes
bill maudlin
girl leaves
raide-draws-fanart:“Flight at Sunset” - Repainted two of of my older pieces (Pink and Golden Flight)
Fishlegs and Meatlug :)I’ll try to edit the other paintings of the riders and make another pos
Inspired by this wonderful piece by my sister @leffie <3I can’t put into words how much
December is quickly coming to an end, so here is a small collection of my landscape paintings
Dedicated to @leffie-draws-fanart <3 Hope this cheers you up!The character Emilie belongs to
“On the Way” - Inspired by a recent trip :)› Other social media acco
“Is this Art?” I showed my work to some professors at various german art schools and the
“Little House” The sunset was so beautiful today, so I decided to experiment a little bi
“Kiss” Other social media accounts: DeviantArt YouTube Facebook Fanart blog
“Purpur” - Playing with colours and shadows ;) Other social media accounts: DeviantArt Y
“Grey” - Portrait practice of the day :) Other social media accounts: DeviantArt YouTube
“One Summer evening”Other social media accounts: DeviantArt YouTube Facebook Fanart blog
“Above the Clouds” & “That Night” Other social media accounts: Devia
Sunset Practice <3
raide-draws-fanart: Some original art for a change! Let me know if you would like to see more origin
“Golden Flight” - Testing out the different custom brushes in ArtRage 5 and tryi
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