nevena rokvić
Trans Moscow
Raven Babe
I always envy those amazing glamor shots other folks can get of their rocks…. someone on
Tried to capture every angle of this incredibly dope calcite (?) formation on stilbite, as well as o
Here’s some of the crazy little pockets of zeolites and calcite from the same host rock as
Golden stilbite and associated clay minerals from a local Clackamas County spot along the Willamette
Hunting for crazy banding or crystal cavities in these small Columbia county full nodules can be fru
A bunch of rocks I didn’t take, and then 2 that I did from the Molalla River yesterday #ro
WOOOO!!! I just found a missing rock (in 6 main pieces) that was feared lost forever after I moved,
One of my biggest and best hauls of carnelian from the Columbia County spot, from me and @unearthed.
Coast range quarry day with the lads @unearthed.minerals @pnw_rocktography & @mining.treasur
One particularly sick little carnelian flake and a few more small nodules and such from September 1,
Yet another dope batch of carnelian and agate from a Columbia County trip with @unearthed.minerals o
Finally, a post about the chabazite: this fantastic combo of calcite on chabazite features large, cl
More carnelian, crazy casting, bubbly botryoidal and banding and one wee crazed opal that glows nice
Whole bunch of carnelian and other neat agate and quartz, from a Columbia County creek run on March
Rainer calcite, crystal faces edition: all the crystal faces on these combos have really cool textur
Just showing off some super colorful things from my phone archive folder, from the past few mo
Booth aesthetic: Oregon sunstones I mined last September for my birthday rockhounding road trip, an
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