F O O DM A R K E T Throwback to the last food market at Queen of Hearts a few weeks ago. Can’t wait
M O R EF O O D Whole-wheat wrap toasted with Nandos chicken, pepperdews and a little coriander pesto
O N E - P O TM E A L When it comes to meal prepping, I’m not really a fan of making everything on a
M O R EF O O D Whole-wheat wrap toasted with Nandos chicken, pepperdews and a little coriander pesto
Throwback to a blog post I did last year about 10 civil rights advocates from present day. Each advo
Happy Friday, my loves! Since we made it through another week, this is the PERFECT time to treat yo&
F I T C A F É ♀️♀️What I love about one of the first restaurants in Zimbabwe to serve predominant
@connerherbison and I did the most amazing shoot with @mado.s.photo. She is A-MAZ-ING. I mean, these
I really like this guy. Love is gross . Photo: @mado.s.photo ...#blog #blogger #bloggerlife #designe
[insert sappy Valentine’s Day description here]. Photo: @mado.s.photo ...#blog #blogger #bloggerlife
One of my goals for the new year is to draw more. I’ve been trying to integrate illustrations into t
Facts ♀️(Old #illustration 2013)...#blog #blogger #bloggerlife #designer #lifestyle #lifestyleblogg
This quarter’s theme is “movement.” The theme is dedicated to those who currently
Happy #valentinesday2019 to all you cool cats!What are you doing for our national day of love? #bae
On the blog today, I shared the best book I read in 2018 (and 2017 as I couldn’t resist) and a
I booked all my flights this week and, aside from my broke-ness, I cannot wait to Jersey. #lasvegas
Here we are, my favorite book that I read in 2018. What was your? .P.S. check out my blog post (link
Y’ALL. I cannot wait for you to see the blog redesign. I’m hoping to be launched by next
New (tiny) tattoo on my arm. Can you tell what it says?.How many tattoos do you have?——&
I’m thinking about doing a #womencrushwednesday on the blog once a week. Or maybe I should cal
Just published: a gift guide for your geeky partner! This one will be a two parter, so stay tuned fo
Who are some women you want to see featured in the new post series, “Women Crushing It Wednesd
Part two of gifts for your geeky partner” is on the blog. Have you seen it yet? Link in bio. .
I meant to share a handful of posts on the blog this week, but instead I chose to nestle into the ho
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