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DPIRD WorkshopLast week I voluntarily attended a two day workshop at the Department of Primary Indus
Public Health RotationThe rotation that converts the masses to vegetarianism! This is a week spent i
A Note On Religious SlaughterIn my third year of vet school, I had to write an essay on an animal we
Surgery RotationMy final rotation of the year! It seems like yesterday that I was following a hand d
Dermatology and Dentistry RotationThis was by far the most relaxed rotation, with only two and a hal
Anatomical Pathology RotationI had low expectations for this rotation, after a friend described it a
DVM Research Project and ConferenceAfter two long years, I finally hit SUBMIT and waved goodbye to m
Equine RotationI was looking forward to being back in the large animal hospital, in my overalls and
After Hours RotationThroughout the year, final year students have to complete two weeks of ‘af
Primary Care RotationThe primary care (aka general practice) rotation is essentially two weeks in wh
In our equine reproduction prac today I managed to rectally palpate the uterus and ovaries of a mare
Practicing my speech about shingleback nidovirus for Project Proposals Day tomorrow. My presentation
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