Highligh Gallery
Our 2015 Brooklyn Artists Ball will once again feature artist-created immersive table environments.
In celebration of NY Archives Week, the Brooklyn Museum Archives calls out some important moments in
Quiet in the stacks… I don’t think so! More like riot in the stacks as we prepare books
The Brooklyn Museum is delighted to own jewelry and the archives of Art Smith which has been showcas
The thousands of textiles currently housed at the Brooklyn Museum are prime examples of the vast glo
In honor of New York Textile Month, the Brooklyn Museum Libraries and Archives would like to highlig
Temples, tombs and statues seem eternal—but over the centuries, ancient architecture undergoes
The thousands of textiles currently housed at the Brooklyn Museum are prime examples of the vast glo
The thousands of textiles currently housed at the Brooklyn Museum are prime examples of the vast glo
The thousands of textiles currently housed at the Brooklyn Museum are prime examples of the vast glo
Ifan interactive and colorful arcade isn’t enough to check out FAILE: Sacred/SavageYoung
It’s hard to believe that we areheading into the final weekend of FAILE: Savage/Sacred Young M
The BKM Adult Programs crew swung by FAILE’s studio in Greenpoint to check out what the artist
Patrick McNeil and Patrick Miller did not always reveal themselves as the artists behind FAILE. Insp
The thousands of textiles currently housed at the Brooklyn Museum are prime examples of the vast glo
The thousands of textiles currently housed at the Brooklyn Museum are prime examples of the vast glo
The thousands of textiles currently housed at the Brooklyn Museum are prime examples of the vast glo
Georgia O’Keeffe was passionate about materials and craft. She brought a measured, fastidious
Winnipeg! French Moderns: Monet to Matisse, 1850-1950 opens today and will be on view unt
Boston! We Wanted A Revolution: Black Radical Women, 1965-85 opens today at the Institute of Contemp
Rock-and-roll your way over to the Museum this Thursday for another evening of Art History Happy Hou
Perhaps the most overt reference to antiquity is in della Robbia’s naturalistic rendering of f
In addition to answering specific questions, the ASK team enjoys recommending works of art based on
If you ask someone to name five artists, they will likely name prominent male artists, but how many