No Adjective Gallery
spanish post-impressionsim
victoriousvocabulary:CERVICORN[adjective]1. branching like antlers.2. bearing antlers.Etymology: tho
giant-radfem:otherkinwords:Transmundane adjective | Spiritual; Something that extends into the spiri
7/29/18french notes on le superlatif! there are so many rules of agreement and stuff with adjective
thisisocd:AND I will gladly draw another 25 if you stop using OCD as an adjective.
victoriousvocabulary:ACCOLENT [adjective] neighbouring; dwelling near by; one who dwells near by. Et
New Year is actually less than 6 hour (for me)2020 is… [insert a negative adjective, maybe] y
Inktober #24 - BLINDblind adjective \ ˈblīnd \ 1a (1) : sightless (2) :having less than ¹/₁₀ of norm
victoriousvocabulary:ACCAREZZÉVOLE[adjective/verb](Italian: “Fawningly”) a music term that is marked
Inktober #23 - JUICYjuicy adjective \ˈjü-sē \1: having much juice : succulent2: rewarding or profit
victoriousvocabulary:VULPINE [adjective] 1. of or resembling a fox. 2. cunning or crafty. Etymology:
victoriousvocabulary:ELDRITCH[adjective] unearthly, alien, supernatural, weird, spooky, eerie.Etymol
victoriousvocabulary:INCLEMENT[adjective]1. (of the weather, the elements, etc.) severe, rough, or h
victoriousvocabulary:ASPEROUS [adjective] 1. rough, rugged, uneven.2. bitter, cruel, severe, harsh.E
victoriousvocabulary:UBEROUS[adjective]fruitful; copious; abundant; plentiful.Etymology: from Latin
victoriousvocabulary:ERRANT[adjective]1. travelling; roving, especially in search of adventure.2. st
victoriousvocabulary:BESTIAL[adjective]1. of, pertaining to, or having the form of a beast.2. withou
yolo-are-avi-atum:Grammatica hodierna – the Demonstrative Pronoun and Adjective hic, haec, hocBōnam