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#padmasana ♂️I think of Padmasana as a posture to sit in when your hips are eventually open. Your s
#ardhamatsyendrasana This asana is named after the yogi Matsyendranath. The name is taken from the S
#padmasana ♂️ I think of Padmasana as a posture to sit in when your hips are eventually open.
#ardhamatsyendrasana This asana is named after the yogi Matsyendranath. The name is taken from the
practiceyoga-la: Bound Utkatasana is a complex pose, but if we… practiceyoga-la: Bound Ut
Excited to teach 7:30 #AllLevel #Vinyasa class tonight @practiceyogaaustin ! #HeartOpening is on the
#PracticeYogaChangeYourWorld tonight 7:30 pm at @practiceyogaaustin ! #AllLevel #Vinyasa #yogaforeve
#BackToWork ! I am back to @practiceyogaaustin from this week to teach the Thursday 7:30 pm All Leve
Excited to teach 7:30 #AllLevel #Vinyasa class tonight @practiceyogaaustin ! #HeartOpening is on the
Reality of #lifewithbaby - Sometime babies demand that they need to be attached to your body all day