Prochoiceparents Gallery
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“I’m the proud mama of two beautiful children who bring so much joy, love and compas
My husband and I experienced three painful miscarriages before our son was born. After the third, we
(via Pro-Choice Means Having Choices - Mombian) “I was pro-choice before I (knew I) was a lesb
I am an abortion counselor and have been for 3 years. 7 months ago I gave birth to my first child.&n
Prochoice parenting on the stoops of NYC!—Jessie
Most of my pro-choice life is not very glamorous — between clinic defense and demonstrations,
My name is Molly Rampe Thomas. I am the founder of Choice Network, a full service adoption agency lo
My name is Kate Flack and I live in Charleston, West Virginia. I work with a reproductive health, ri
I’m pro choice because this little guy was an accident. And while I chose to go through with p
In October of 2008, I became pregnant with my first and only pregnancy. A planned pregnancy. My husb
“I’ve had people ask me if having a child changed my feelings about abortion, or if
Today as I wearily cleaned up after my beloved, wanted child, comforted her during her tantrums, and