Reading Practice Gallery
easy-japan:Looking for Hiragana reading practice? Check this story about ClickClack Mountain (KachiK
すみっコぐらし - Sumikko Gurashi好奇心旺盛 (こうきしんおうせい) - full of curiosity食いしん坊 (くいしんぼう) - glutton, someone who
Doing some early morning practice!
Hi! Over the summer I have decided to start an art project, to help myself practice but also help fi
Estelle reading a book in her room ~ I’m really not good at backgrounds so i’m going to try practice
Hey guys~ I have a tiny comic for reading practice! I hope you like it. 쇼핑 중- (In the middle of) sho
こうち春は来ない。はる は こない。Haru wa konai.Turns out the informal past version of “kuru” is “
あぶないだろうおりなさい。あぶない:dangerous-だろう: (shows uncertainty. Like “would probably” or “is
Here’s another comic to practice reading including a couple onomatopoeia (의성어 mimicking sound) or mi
modmad:Hi Mod! I’m a really big fan of all of your work (I first found your tumblr when I was trying
nipuni: The breach forcing myself to practice landscapes lately ;; also a bonus Keep reading
:遊戯王ログ詰めKanji to Kana: みえない みえないKana to Romaji: mienai mienai
Reading practice.Don’t worry I can’t read the kanji either. Don’t worr
무속신앙 = shamanism삼신상 = table for “Samsin”, goddess of childbirth장승 = totem pole plac
I made this worksheet for myself to practice writing kanji given the reading, and I thought I would
hwanghon: source: 책 끝을 접다 If you need any book recommendations, check out 책 끝을 접다. T
분배 = distribution 축 = axis굴리다 = roll, tumble along 저절로 = by itself, naturally 낙수 효과 =
인지시 = (name of a fake city from a drama)심사 = screening, evaluation 각계각층 = all walks of life공모하다
[2019.04.11] Day 11/20 Reading at the swimming pool before my lesson. Writing practice before a
koobiie:some painting practice! original under the cut Keep reading
blindbee: [沖縄]国際通りにいた猫。飼い主が指示すると、この状態で固まったまま動かないので、置物に見える。百円をあげると写真を撮って良いことになるらしい。腹に乗っている百円玉を見る限り、なか
shoku-and-awe: wfsp: 虹裏 may 科学電話相談スレ Illustration of a grey cat in a Lawson convenience store unifor
studystory: Analyzed two poems for AP Lit earlier. Today I finished a practice reading section from