Tish Katsufrakis Gallery
The Weekenders 21st Anniversary Celebration Week — Vocabulary: “One of the main things I thought abo
The Weekenders 21st Anniversary Celebration Week — Families: “When I was a kid the majority of my fr
The Weekenders 21st Anniversary Celebration Week — Characters: “It was a complicated process. At one
The Weekenders 21st Anniversary Celebration Week — Outfits: “When we decided to put the days on scre
The Weekenders 21st Anniversary Celebration Week — Hobbies: “My impulse was always not to have them
The Weekenders 21st Anniversary Celebration Week — Breaking The Fourth Wall: “The year that the show
Oh-ooohI’m a livin’ for the weekend,I’m a livin’ for the wee
The Weekenders 22nd Anniversary Celebration Days - Tropes: Tish Katsufrakis
Today’s Autistic character of the day is: Petratishkovna “Tish” Katsufraki
“I wrote some lyrics, Roger Neill wrote the music. We sort of thought of the lyrics as a place