Weareyoga Gallery
proud slave
♀️ Rabbit Pose: Sasangasana • A Few Purposes and Benefits: ————&md
Let WAYteamshop build you a collection that you can purchase at wholesale for your brick and mortar
BUILD IT✨ ~ @liuuuva • • ▫️Navy + White Team Leggings WeAreYoga.com▫️ • • : @liu
Yoga at sunrise.Featuring: Adrian HummellFrom: WAYcationOB with the We Are Yoga crew. Phot
Spiderman pose at the WE ARE YOGA studio. This is a fun one to play with. Gotta defy that gravity.
We just got in at Ormond Beach, FL. On the way to our hotel we were passing the We Are Yoga studio a
Dancer! Love this pose deep stretch of legs, back, and shoulders. It’s a challenging post
I think I see something in the corner of my eye. It’s right in my peripheral and definitel
weareyoga:CYBER MONDAY SPECIAL on the NEW all surface Cotton/Neoprene Platinum-Gray NEO WAYmat. ✨✨Us
one-handed zen session
Handstand Scorpion : Battle between a Scorpion and a Spider. Model : Adrian HummellPhoto by :
weareyoga: @adrian_hummell on his @thewaymat low in baby crow #yogi #getlow #babycrow #yogapose #yo
Mountain pose.The practice of being rooted and solid. A strong foundation is necessary. The core pro
weareyoga: @adrian_hummell, one of our TeamWAY members getting all scorpion like on his Red Root Ch
▫️Corpse Pose: Savasana▫️ Yup lying still is actually a pose! What a win • Purposes and Benefi
▫️WAYMAT LIMITED EDITION HUNTER▫️ • • ▫️Grab this Limited Edition WAYmat while you can or
Model: Amanda Duncan Asana: Wheel Pose; Chakrasana
Handstand with Stag Legs : moving the legs into this position is tricky in that it’s hard to t
weareyoga: WE AMPLIFY LIVE IN ORMOND BEACH AUG 6-9 AT WAYcation!!! With Adrian Hummell and Ama
Wear your yoga to the beach • • WAY Sweat & Swim Collection WeAreYoga.com/collect
We believe Judah has claimed this one, but there’s more to be had at WAYmat.com • •
weareyoga: International Champion ChauKei Ngai and her son… weareyoga: International Cham
WAYMAT LIMITED EDITION BLACK….MORE THAN A MAT • • 5 other Limited Edition color
“Baddha Konasana to stretch the inner thighs, groins, and knees.” ~ @frawson • &bul