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Does anyone else feel like a giant cannibal when they eat gingerbread men? Wait… are you all being h
That beautifully-wrapped box is a gift, from me to me, and it is going to stay wrapped until my next
Happy Year Of The Dog! Dogs are loyal pack animals so it is fitting that my projects this year look
Lazy Sunday: Here I am at 3.00pm in my pajamas; reading the paper, scrolling social media and watchi
Who read Enid Blyton’s Famous Five when they were kids? I had the entire series so was amused
Once working late and having a bevvy at my desk would be dangerous… Coopers alcohol-free beer
In the middle of last year, the penny finally dropped: there was a correlation between my worsening
“No-one outside ourselves can rule us inwardly. When we know this, we become free.” - Bu
Saturday night dinner prep and day 26 of my 28-day alcohol-free challenge. Six o'clock dinner prep w
Everyone on the #oneyearnobeer forum has been talking about alcohol-free beer, so I thought I’
Pool workout done for the day, under Mitzy’s watchful eyes. Meditation and stretching next. Da
I was checking out the mocktail menu ahead of a friend’s milestone birthday celebration and sm
Pool workout done for the day, under Mitzy’s watchful eyes. Meditation and stretching next. Da
Who read Enid Blyton’s Famous Five when they were kids? I had the entire series so was amused
Happy Year Of The Dog! Dogs are loyal pack animals so it is fitting that my projects this year look
That beautifully-wrapped box is a gift, from me to me, and it is going to stay wrapped until my next
Once working late and having a bevvy at my desk would be dangerous… Coopers alcohol-free beer
In the middle of last year, the penny finally dropped: there was a correlation between my worsening
“No-one outside ourselves can rule us inwardly. When we know this, we become free.” - Bu
Tuesday treats!! Pear and Guava sparkling soda, with lemon and melon cubes, yum!! #fresh #fruit #alc
Saturday night dinner prep and day 26 of my 28-day alcohol-free challenge. Six o'clock dinner prep w
Everyone on the #oneyearnobeer forum has been talking about alcohol-free beer, so I thought I’
JYPETWICE: #AlcoholFree3rdWin #With_ONCE_and_TWICE
JYPETWICE: #AlcoholFree4thWin 오늘도 고마워요 원스❤️ Thank you for another win ONCE❤️
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