queens museum
orange glow
“Bad luck isn’t brought by broken mirrors, but by broken minds.”Suspiria (1977) dir. Dario Arg
Michèle Mercier in Black Sabbath / The Three Faces of Fear (1963)
“Why do you think he removes their skins, Agent Starling?”The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
“The dead are not quiet in Hill House.” The Haunting (1963)
Not only am I rushing Fall these days but looks like I’m ready for an early Christmas too Look
Hey! How long has it been since I mentioned Nick Cutter? A few days? Well then, today is the perfect
@britt95day @beautybrittstyles @beautifulwicca @hippiespiritstyles @horror95fanatic #horror #horrorf
@britt95day @beautybrittstyles @brittbabydoll123 @hippiespiritstyles @horror95fanatic #horror #horro
@britt95day @beautybrittstyles @beautifulwicca @hippiespiritstyles @horror95fanatic #horror #horrorf
After reading 13 Views of Suicide Woods, I’m really excited for his newest release Come to Dus
I’m so excited! I think I’m just going to embrace my Season of Horror early. I was going
I want to tell you about this book that’s in my Season of Horror stack:This one is about a man
Learn Jacket. Tough book to get through. #circleofbookishfriends I buddy read Carrion Comfort last y
Hey. Pssssst! You! Yeah, you. Come here. I have to sweet hook up on all the horror over here. Do you
I’m so excited to add this book to my Season of Horror stack! This one was recommended to me b
@bookishsteph1 wanted to see my line up for my Season of Horror which I wanted to start in September
Can you hear me swooning over this book cover from here? It’s sounds like this…“A
This is the shirt I should wear to all the movies from now on! thanks Target! So the new IT trailer
Let me ask you guys a question: Say you read a book from the Library and you loved it. Do you then b
Nine Favorite Authors for the #circleofbookishfriends this was so hard! I kept pulling books off the
What’s your favourite horror trope? ✨ . I think mine is someone being watched without their knowledg
Les Yeux sans Visage (1960)“I see horrible things. I’m living them!”
A book you’re always ready to read…#circleofbookishfriends I am ALWAYS ready to
Nightmares Come at Night, 1970Director Jesus Franco remade his 1965 thriller Miss Muerte as a pure e
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