bryce paul
crying noise
wow idk
lighted stage
hairy hardcore
#577.5 - The special, protective liquid surrounding their bodies allow Solosis to live and develop i
#155.5 - Though they are naturally timid Pokemon, as Cyndaquil mature they gain confidence when they
#532.5 - Timburr are found around building sites, where they help workers with construction and movi
inprogresspokemon: #425.5 - Drifloon are formed by the spirits of people and Pokemon. Wild Drifloon
inprogresspokemon: #728.5 - Popplio are frivolous and hard-working Pokemon who constantly practice t
inprogresspokemon: #570.5 - Zorua are playful Pokemon who live in closely-knit packs with other Zor
inprogresspokemon: #755.5 - Morelull are nocturnal Pokemon that walk around at night on their l
inprogresspokemon: #084.5 - Doduo live in flat, grassy plains, where they can survey the area a
#708.5 - As Phantump age, the tree stump they posses becomes integrated into their body, and root-li
#850.5 - Distantly related to Skorupi, Sizzlipede live in fields where they stalk their prey while h
#273.5 - Seedot attach themselves to tree branches using the stem on their head, where they suck moi
#653.5 - Fennekin live within dens, dug deep within isolated forests and fields, and are protected f
inprogresspokemon:#114.5 - Tangela are shrouded by wide blue vines that are similar in composit
inprogresspokemon:Turmirtor was commissioned and designed by @kyuremfan24.Turmirtor (Steel/Gro
#360.5 - Wynaut are nocturnal, living and traveling together in packs. They grow stronger by pushing
inprogresspokemon:This Steel/Fairy dual-type Eeveelution was commissioned by @cassidy-peterson and i
#133.57 - Eevee’s unstable genetic makeup allows for this Pokemon to adapt to their environmen
#203 Baby - When Girafarig calves hatch, their mothers dote on them, licking them to stimulate
#138.5 - Omanyte are prehistoric and long-extinct Pokemon that were genetically resurrected from anc
#027.5 - While young, Sandshrew live in deep underground burrows in arid locations, emerging only to
#859.5 - Impidimp are mischievous Pokémon that love to sneak into people’s houses to st
#607.5 - Litwick are small candle spirits that live deep within forests, who wander into towns and c
#761.5 - Bounsweet exclude a delicious smell from their entire body which has a calming effect on hu
#343.5 - First discovered in ancient ruins, these mysterious Pokemon move by spinning around on
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