Japanese Langblr
bathing ape
45 / 100 Kanji Challenge!This week pay careful attention to the stroke order for 何! It’s a little tr
35/100 Kanji Challenge!Vocabulary:January 一月 (いち・がつ) February 二月 (に・がつ) March 三月 (さん・がつ) April 四月
100 Kanji Challenge Masterpost Aimed at beginners (and those wanting to refresh their memories!) Joi
todayintokyo:Did you know that Christmas cake is a thing in Japan? This is the 2020 selection at Oda
day 8: before and afterhere’s a before and after of my japanese penmanship after six years of self-s
So how’d you get on? Highlight any mistakes and write the corrections next to it. If you haven’t com
Should have posted this earlier, but these books helped me the most with passing N2 in July. Hope th
In Japanese, the eventivizers naru なる and suru する can mean “X is used as if it were Y,” and “to trea
Check In || チェックインHey guys, I had a request to do a post regarding useful and important vocab and ph
2019/01/31I should really not have to look at the date every time I write it.Kanji, grammar and voca
JLPT N5 Grammar \(☆ω☆)/~のが上手です - ExpressionPhrase used to say someone is skilled at something.Meani
Medical Terminology! YAY! ✺◟( • ω • )◞✺Just more fun words to know. :)◎━━━━━━━━━━━◎Acne にきび : 面皰All
❀✿ Common Japanese Last Names ❀✿Sato 佐藤佐 (sa) : help, aid藤 (tou) : wisteriaSuzuki 鈴木鈴 (suzu) : bell木
漢字 (kanji) = 兎かな (kana) = うさぎローマ字 (romaji) = usagimeaning = rabbit
In Japanese, the tense of a subordinate clause is typically relative to the tense of the matrix.When
Reviewing Japanese since it’s the weekend!
(via 13 Ways to Say I Love You in Japanese. Read This for Love!)
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