Special Collection
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engineering in heels
It’s the first day of Spring! To celebrate, we are presenting a trilingual flower arranging ga
It’s Miserable Monday! This humor book was written in 1806 and contains the grievances of Samu
After Brooklyn Museum’s successful run of Killer Heels, we’re bringing it down about 6 inches. The R
For Fashion Friday, we’re featuring three illustrations of traditional Russian garb. Russian f
twice - feel special ver. a photocard
twice - feel special ver. a
fashionsfromhistory:Child’s Court Dress1600A special jewel of costume and costume collection of Lipp
Special mermaid collection by artist Donald Robertson
Maps of Rome as the inside covers of a book on Roman Gastronomy! These are fairly common as instruct
This 1540 edition of Thucydides’s History of the Peloponnesian War is printed in the original
Happy Hanukkah from GWU Special Collections! Our new acquisition, this illuminated manuscript leaf f
Today (July 18) in 1925, Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler was first published. He wrote this controversial
These hand-coloured illustrations are from Chromatics Or, An Essay On The Analogy And Harmony Of Col
Happy Birthday to Alexander Pope, born on this day (May 21) in 1688. Pope was a poet and a translato
On this day in 1776, Thomas Paine anonymously published his pamphlet, Common Sense. In it, he made a
This book recounts the history of Great Britain over roughly 1600 years, from the Roman occupation t
Now we’ll travel into the Middle East toward Jerusalem, like George Sandys did back in the ear
On May 28, 1871, the Paris Commune fell. Founded following France’s disastrous defeat during t
The Brooklyn Museum Libraries and Archives recently received a reference question concerning the Lan
Lewis E 96 Book of Hours, Use of Paris from the Special Collections of the Free Library of Philadelp
hclib:NOW ON VIEW IN SPECIAL COLLECTIONSNorth Star of David: Jews in MinneapolisAlthough the first s
Today we have two works printed at the Aldine Press. Founded by Aldus Manutius in 1495, it was among
Handmade history brings the past to life in a way that nomechanical method can match. For more than
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