Virginia Fairfax
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Happy Holidays from Fairfax City, VA, 2020.
Boxwood Garden in Winter, Gunston Hall, Fairfax County, 1972.
Sunflowers, Fairfax City Farmers Market, 2020.
Tomatillos, Oak Marr Farmers Market, Fairfax, 2018.
Red Cockscomb, Fairfax City Farmers Market, 2020.Another example of iPhone problems with deep reds.
Eggplants, Oak Marr Farmers Market, Fairfax, 2018.
Summer Flowers, Fairfax City Farmers Market, 2018.
After the civil war Fairfax County, Virginia became more populated and eventually an insane asylum w
Proposing a new Seven CornersThe Seven Corners area sits in Fairfax, near the borders of Falls Churc
Blue Hydrangea in My Garden, Fairfax, 2020.
Mimosa Tree Blossoms, Burke, Fairfax, 2014.
Gunston Hall in Winter, Fairfax County, Virginia, 1972.Constructed in the 1750s, the house is associ
Deconstruction of Modernity - Fini. Site of the now demolished Massey Building, Fairfax County Gover
Orangerie and Garden, Mount Vernon Estate, Fairfax County, 1974.Looks little different from the curr
Mt. Vernon From the Lawn, Fairfax County, 1974. The house is usually photographed from the Potomac R
Lake Anne Center, Reston, Fairfax County, 1969.Conceived and built in the idealistic days of the 196
Pohick Church, Fairfax County, Virginia, 1972.The closest church to Mt. Vernon, Washington was a fre
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