usopp birthday 2022
hooded stranger
#十分袖 #龍 #sleevetattoo LINE: @ blackeyes Mail: tattoo@black-eyes.jp #武蔵梵天 #彫浅 #高津区 #溝ノ口 #横須賀 #刺青 #横須賀
#龍 #七分袖 #筋彫り #sleevetattoo LINE: @ blackeyes Mail: tattoo@black-eyes.jp #武蔵梵天 #彫浅 #向ヶ丘遊園 #登戸 #横須賀 #刺
#十分袖 #生首 #sleevetattoo LINE: @ blackeyes Mail: tattoo@black-eyes.jp #武蔵梵天 #彫浅 #高津区 #溝ノ口 #横須賀 #刺青 #横須
#飛天 #まだ途中 #backpiecetattoo LINE: @ blackeyes Mail: tattoo@black-eyes.jp #武蔵梵天 #彫浅 #高津区 #溝ノ口 #横須賀 #刺青
#桜散らし #まだ途中 #sleevetattoo LINE: @ blackeyes Mail: tattoo@black-eyes.jp #武蔵梵天 #彫浅 #高津区 #溝ノ口 #横須賀 #刺青
#octopus #まだ途中 #sleevetattoo LINE: @ blackeyes Mail: tattoo@black-eyes.jp #武蔵梵天 #彫浅 #向ヶ丘遊園 #登戸 #横須賀
#九紋竜史進 #水滸伝 #backpiecetattoo LINE: @ blackeyes Mail: tattoo@black-eyes.jp #武蔵梵天 #彫浅 #向ヶ丘遊園 #登戸 #横須賀
#まだ途中 #sleevetattoo LINE: @ blackeyes Mail: tattoo@black-eyes.jp #武蔵梵天 #彫浅 #向ヶ丘遊園 #登戸 #横須賀 #刺青 #横須賀タ
#まだ途中 #sleevetattoo LINE: @ blackeyes Mail: tattoo@black-eyes.jp #武蔵梵天 #彫浅 #向ヶ丘遊園 #登戸 #横須賀 #刺青 #横須賀タ
#samuraimask #まだ途中 #sleevetattoo LINE: @ blackeyes Mail: tattoo@black-eyes.jp #武蔵梵天 #彫浅 #高津区 #溝ノ口 #横
hm7: おはスカレーくん。 (横須賀駅 (Yokosuka Sta.)にいます)
Masayasu Uchida aka 内田 正泰 aka Uchida Masayasu (Japanese, b. 1922, Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, Jap
“Smash Capitalism. Create Anarchy” Sticker spotted in Yokosuka, Japan
Sacred Symbol, Yokosuka.
Shomei Tomatsu (1930-2012)Untitled (Yokosuka), from the series “Chewing Gum and Chocolate&
s-h-o-w-a: Sailor shopping at “Robber’s Alley”, Yokosuka, Japan, Dec 12. 19
s-h-o-w-a: Sailor shopping at “Robber’s Alley”, Yokosuka, Japan, Dec 12. 19
March 24th, the 20th annual Spring Festival on base. Music, food, clothes, and lots of pizza!
Some of the gifts we sent back home, to the states. :)
A picture of Tokyo Bay (only a portion of it!) Tokyo is about two hours away from us, by train. But
Back home, we could only dream of a sushi go-round. The idea of the sushi go-round is that the sushi
The first few nights here, we ate at CoCo-Ichiban and Bamiyan. CoCo’s is not your US neigh
The infamous sushi go-round! This restaurant is called Hamazushi in Yokosuka, Japan. We also call it
Sailor shopping at “Robber’s Alley”, Yokosuka, Japan, Dec 12. 1953
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