Type Japanese Gallery
ayano kasai
Bijinga (unknown title)Uemura Shōenn.d.
Japanese Type 99 Arisaka “Last Ditch” Rifle,Towards the end of World War II Japan found
The Type 98 “ghost rocket” mortarThe 320 mm Type 98 mortar was a large Japanese Mortar
Pearl inlaid Japanese Type 44 Arisaka carbine, circa World War II.from Little John’s Auction Service
★ Jun. 17, 2019 Kawaguchiya, Nagoya: mizu-yokan (lit. water-‘yokan’) ——– A type of ‘yokan’, gelled s
★ Jul. 27, 2019 Shogetsu, Kyoto: nadeshiko (fringed pink) ——– ‘Kinton’-type Japanese cake stuffed wi
★ Jul. 29, 2019 Genta, Tokyo: mizu-yokan (lit. water-‘yokan’) ——– A type of ‘yokan (gelled swe
★ Sep. 28, 2019 Kameya-yoshinaga, Kyoto: kise-wata (lit. putting?-floss silk) ——– ‘Konashi’-type Jap
★ Jul. 27, 2019 Shogetsu, Kyoto: mizu-yokan (lit. water-‘yokan’) ——– A type of ‘yokan (gelled
typewriter keys via @futoshijapanese (link in bio) #linkinbio #typewriterkeys #kanji #metal #stamp #
Japanese Type 14 semi automatic pistol, 8mm Nambu, World War II.from Orange Coast Auctions
I’m not sure what type of cosplay this is. Will require closer inspection, face first.
marinebiologyshitposts:isopodde:I was reading about Japanese seafood and came across a type of conge
fujisan-ni-noboru-hinode:Japanese Navy Marines (SNLF) move supplies and a Type-92 heavy machine gun