jelle haen
What i made for my boyfriends birthdaysummer rolls with a coconut peanut sauce, a rice noodle salad
Raw Vegan Beet Marinara + Zucchini Noodles(Click image for recipe)
F O O DM A R K E T Throwback to the last food market at Queen of Hearts a few weeks ago. Can’t wait
C O N S I S T E N C Y It’s easy to get frustrated and decide that your exercise program or eating pl
B R E A T H E ..........#fitness #healthyeating#gym #gymlife #fitspo #cleaneating #strongnotskinny #
U P D A T E It’s been almost three months and although it’s been slow, I’ve been seeing some progres
C H I C K E NC U R R Y Brown rice and chicken curry. This is one of my go-to recipes for both lunch
M O R EF O O D Whole-wheat wrap toasted with Nandos chicken, pepperdews and a little coriander pesto
O R A N G E SFact: Vitamin C prevents the depletion of nitric acid in our systems. The compound supp
N E WO A T SR E C I P E It’s been a while since I’ve had oats because I got really tired of the reci
M U T A R A Z IF A L L S ..........#fitness #healthyeating#gym #gymlife #fitspo #cleaneating #strong
O N E - P O TM E A L When it comes to meal prepping, I’m not really a fan of making everything on a
M O R EF O O D Whole-wheat wrap toasted with Nandos chicken, pepperdews and a little coriander pesto
M O R EF O O D Toasted whole-wheat wrap with chicken, cherry tomatoes, lettuce, olive and coriander
Honor your cravings The only difference between these cookies and your standard run of the mill cook
Ok so this was my attempt at making a pretty layered breakfast parfaitHidden in this jar is granola,
Not so traditional Anzac cookies! Ingredients: • 1 cup of rolled oats • 1 cup of almond meal • 1/3 c
Today’s lunch Falafel, wholegrain couscous, roasted pumpkin and pomegranate salad served with
Choose whole foods....@AppLetstag #quinoa #healthy #cleaneating #vegetarian #organic #healthyfood #n
C H E A TM E A L S Physically, cheat meals help those trying to lose weight by preventing their meta
…..because this was one of the best meals I’ve had in a long time!@kettlebellkitchen ❤️
Real food, real talk, real easy.#OfficialTeamGreen #PlantShred #vegan #herbivore #plantbased #vegeta
Ready to serve.....@AppLetstag #vegan #plantbased #vegetarian #dairyfree #wholefoods #veggies #eatcl
It’s been a week of visitors & halloweekend so there’s no surprise that I fell off trackFrom kit
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