Nature was Georgia O’Keeffe’s most enduring inspiration, whether she was looking at panoramic southw
On Thursday, June 1 we’re teaming up with Aperture Foundation to present a night of art, fashion, fi
Only one week left to see Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern. See it before July 23 and be sure to shar
Georgia O’Keeffe decorated her living space as yet another manifestation of her comprehensive and co
Hey, Salem! Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern opens today at the Peabody-Essex Museum and will be on v
Georgia O’Keeffe always maintained a strong following among art lovers, and her stature as one of th
Georgia O’Keeffe famously once said “I’ve been absolutely terrified every moment of my l
Teen Night Planning Committee is having their third free Teen Night, Keeffe It Up!, inspired by Broo
Georgia O’Keeffe is popularly known for her large-scale paintings of flowers from the 1920s and 1930
Cleveland! Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern opens today @clevelandmuseumofart and will be on vi
brooklynmuseum:This year the Teachers Institute at the BrooklynMuseum celebrates a century of progre
Ever since her days on the Texas Panhandle, Georgia O’Keeffe had harbored a deep affection for
The forms in Georgia O’Keeffe’s Blue watercolors of 1916 initially may have been in
After Stieglitz died in 1946, Georgia O’Keeffe moved permanently to rural New Mexico, acquirin
Georgia O’Keeffe often painted abstract forms in shades of black and white, the same restricte
Conservation is busy preparing dress forms for the upcoming exhibition, Georgia O’Keeffe: Livi
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