Agitprop Gallery
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Founded in 1988 in the midst of the AIDS crisis, Visual AIDS is an arts organization dedicated to fi
Laurie Jo Reynolds’s use of creative practices to reform the criminal justice system has been termed
Just like that folks, 2015 is tick-tocking to a close and 2016 is just around the corner. During thi
Following the 2012 imprisonment of three of their members for an action in a Moscow church, the anon
SAHMAT, meaning “in agreement” in Hindi, was formed after the deadly beating of the socialist street
As a photograph of a scene from a Federal Theatre Project Living Newspaper production, Shadow of the
In 2011, Shani Peters and an assemblage of volunteers took to the streets wearing sandwich boards fo
Have you made your New Year’s Revolution yet? If not, you’re in luck! On Saturday January 16, artist
To educate the public about the growing economic inequality in the United States, artists Ivan Cash
Last month, our Teen Museum Apprentices attended an Afrocentering workshop taught by cultural anthro
If you ask someone to name five artists, they will likely name prominent male artists, but how many
In a striking photograph taken in 1928, Tina Modotti captures what feels like an iconic image of rev
With wry humor and caustic irony, the anonymous, gorilla-masked collective Guerrilla Girls has spent
This photograph documents Zhang Dali’s engagement with the rapidly changing face of Beijing an
Dear lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, queer, questioning, two-spirit, intersex, asexual and gender no
“Stones and words cannot be taken back” reads the title of Manuela Ribadeneira’s 2
CareForce is a roving outreach platform dedicated to advocating for domestic worker’s rights.
THE OLD COUNTRY WAS NEVER PURE #dirtyoldcountry #oldcountry #oldcountrynarratives #originstories