Beautiful Fungi Gallery
starbit cosplay
chelsea gregoire
Entoloma haastii G. Stev. by New Zealand Wild on Flickr.
Oudemansiella australis - a beautiful, white mushroom photographed in New Zealand - reminiscent of t
Peltigera malaceaMat felt lichenPeltigera lichens, commonly called dog lichens or felt lichens, vary
lichenaday:Aspicilia cupreaimages: source | sourceAspicilia cuprea didn’t get a fair shake with my f
Fungus of the woodland floor - A big, beautiful, Blusher“Amanita rubescens” by favmark1
Xanthocarpia crenulatellaInevitably when I post a lichen like this, I will read comments/note where
Sphaerophorus venerabilisOldgrowth coral lichen, ancient coral lichenimages: source | source | sourc
Gyalolechia subbracteataLooking for lichens is kinda like looking for Easter eggs. Since I am an adu
Vulpicida juniperina (syn. Vulpicida tilisii)Limestone sunshine lichen, yellow lichen, goldtwist lic
Nyungwea anguinellaLook, I can’t tell you exactly why every picture of N. anguinella looks, uh, comp
Hypogymnia bitteriPowdered tube lichen, bitter tube lichenI’m not going to pretend I don’t occasiona
Myelochroa galbinaI don’t want to make assumptions about you, I’m not about that. But for a bunch of
Peltigera neckeriNecker’s felt lichen, Aufgedrehte BlätterschildflechteI added the German common nam
Heppia adglutinataLichens in this genus are often referred to as rock olives because of their resemb
Candelaria concolorCandle flame lichenI don’t know what weird-ass candles you all are buying, but if
Cladonia boryiFishnet cladonia, Bory’s cup lichenYou can tell this is a cladonia lichen because of t
Aspicilia filiformisGod I love that the description I found for this lichen as “creeping.” Creeping
I love these beautifully created diagrams that explain the relationship plants, soul and fungi have&
High Wycombe, UK, October 2018Wrinkled peach mushroom (Rhodotus palmatus)I had the most gorgeous day
multifacetedmushrooms:Found these cuties! Love their color.Found hereThese look like Tylopilus plumb
Ascomycetes (Sac fungi) - Also known as Puffballs These mushrooms turn from white to brow
More fungi from my autumn hikes The first one, with its beautiful colours, is probably Xerocome
I love these beautifully created diagrams that explain the relationship plants, soul and fungi have&
Epping Forest, London, November 2022Crested coral fungus (Clavulina coralloides)These beautiful litt