Humans-of-seoul Gallery
jamie lynn bondage
roman stuf
humans-of-seoul: “Why are you drinking wine on the street?”“We bought this wine t
humans-of-seoul: “We have been friends for a year. We are both very interested in fashion. Ev
humans-of-seoul: [½] “When I was traveling in Budapest, Hungary, I looked for people to
humans-of-seoul: [2/2]“…He gave the lock to me and told me to keep it until we unlock i
humans-of-seoul: “What was the happiest moment of your life?”“Before I sleep. Tha
humans-of-seoul: “Last winter, there was a day when I laid on the floor all day long. It was
humans-of-seoul: “(Man) Since the third day we met, I nagged her to marry me. Six months afte
humans-of-seoul: “My parents were really against me when I told them I’m doing work as
humans-of-seoul: “When I was in second grade my mother got into a car accident and passed awa
humans-of-seoul: “Actually my girlfriend is afraid of birds. Even just seeing a passing pigeo
humans-of-seoul: “The thing that’s most difficult for me now…people? Human relat
humans-of-seoul: “I’m a 6th grader.”“When have you been the happiest recent
humans-of-seoul: “커서 무엇이 되고 싶나요?”“저는… 엄마가 되고 싶어요.”“What do you
humans-of-seoul: “Do you have any final words you want to say?”“It’d be nice
humans-of-seoul: “It’s really true to say that my kids are always beautiful. Just their
humans-of-seoul: “As I get older, I ask myself, ‘have you been happy?’ But I have
humans-of-seoul: “명절 때 부모님 두 분이 이혼하셨는데도 불구하고 우리 집에 모여서 다 같이 밥해먹어요. 가끔 엄마 아빠가 남매처럼 티격태격하실 때도 있어
humans-of-seoul: “고등학교 2학년 때 자퇴를 했어요. 공부에 취미가 없었고, 친구들과도 어울리지 못했거든요. 술 먹고 담배 피우는 학생들이 많았는데, 저랑
humans-of-seoul: 오늘의 마이크로 패션 Today’s microfashion
humans-of-seoul: “서울에서 계속 반복적이고 맹목적으로 일만 하면서 살고 있다는 생각이 들었어요. 일에 소모하는 시간과 힐링하는 시간의 균형을 잡으면서 뭔
humans-of-seoul: “저는 배움이 짧아서 무엇을 할 때면 스스로 기가 죽었어요. 4남 1녀를 낳아 기르면서 아이들에게 가르쳐줄 지식이 없다고 생각해서 절을 다
humans-of-seoul: “It’s really true to say that my kids are always beautiful. Just their
humans-of-seoul: “고등학교를 졸업하고 대학 다닐 때 학업이 너무 힘들었던 순간이 있었어요. 하고 싶은 일도 많고, 해야 할 일도 많은데 제가 그것을 다 따
humans-of-seoul: “저는 90년생이에요. 90년생은 성비불균형이 가장 심한 세대래요. 태아가 여아일 경우 낙태를 하는 일이 많았던 거예요. 여자가 백말띠에