Humans-of-seoul Gallery
monsieur x
humans-of-seoul:“Usually if I ask someone, ‘who are you?’, they just tell me their name. That’s thei
humans-of-seoul:“저는 모델 준비하는 군인이에요. 상근이라 평일에 근무하고 주말엔 이렇게 입고 나와요. 모델이 되고 싶긴 한데 키가 183cm는 되어야 해서 아직 쇼엔
humans-of-seoul:“I came back to Korea after graduating from university abroad. I’m looking for work
humans-of-seoul:Do you want to learn Korean grammar and expressions you can use in real life? Do you
humans-of-seoul:“(Right) In life, there are two things that I really don’t get. How to study well an
humans-of-seoul:“(Right) Teacher, how old are you?”“I’m not a teacher. And I’m 25 years old.”“(Right
humans-of-seoul:“Being able to earn money just until our youngest goes off to the military, that’s m
humans-of-seoul:“I started getting into music after this boy I liked completely blew me away with hi
humans-of-seoul:“What do you want to be when you grow up?”“A purse. I want to be a purse sewn with p
humans-of-seoul:“서울에서 계속 반복적이고 맹목적으로 일만 하면서 살고 있다는 생각이 들었어요. 일에 소모하는 시간과 힐링하는 시간의 균형을 잡으면서 뭔가 우리만의 기
humans-of-seoul:“I had my first lesson today as a florist. I’ve liked flowers ever since I was young
humans-of-seoul:“저는 베트남에서 경제학 공부를 했어요. 베트남에 있는 한국회사에서 통번역 일을 하며 다른 친구들보다 높은 연봉을 받고 다녔죠. 일 그만 두고 한국으로
humans-of-seoul:Today’s microfashion<Humans of Seoul at Seoul Fashion Week>오늘의 패
humans-of-seoul: “I envied my friends who knew what they wanted to be. When they would talk ab
humans-of-seoul: “I wish to see this one person before I die, but I have yet to find him. It
humans-of-seoul: “I started my career as a barista pretty late at age 27, but now I am a memb
humans-of-seoul: “I just bought this bike yesterday and took it out to ride it today for the
humans-of-seoul: “Lately, my baby caught a cold. Naturally she doesn’t like wearing clo
humans-of-seoul: “I’m in my first year of middle school, and I’m single. Whenever
humans-of-seoul: “(Left) These two were playing around just a little bit ago, and it was too